The Med Safety app is a free smart phone app for reporting suspected adverseeffects (or adverse drug reactions) to National Competent Authorities. This simple toollets you report adverse effects to medicines, keep track of previously reportedinformation and receive official news and alerts about medicines you are taking orinterested in. Why use the app? • Quick and easy to report adverse effects• Instant access to medicines safety information• Help make medicines safer for all• It’s free! Key features of the app • Submit reports on adverse effects even while offline• View and submit updates to previously submitted reports• See immediate acceptance of your reports• Create a ‘watch list’ of medications to receive personalised news and alerts Why does it matter? Medicines are developed to be as safe and effective as possible, but they can still causeside effects. It is important for people to report adverse effects to medicines as thisinformation can be used to identify previously unknown issues with those medicines. Adverse effects sometimes stop patients from completing their treatment, which canlead to even more serious problems. Reporting adverse effects encourages a dialoguebetween patients and healthcare professionals and helps professionals to identify andinvestigate unknown or poorly described adverse effects. The Med Safety app has been developed as part of the WEB-RADR project. WEB-RADR is supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI JU) under grant agreement n° 115632, resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies’ in kind contribution.